Terms and conditions
These general terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as "terms and conditions") apply to contracts concluded through the GT Sports online store located on the website shop.gt-sports.cz.
IČ: 05411882 DIČ: CZ05411882 registered in the trade register kept by C 263199/MSPH Municipal Court in Prague
Address for service: Lukavecká 1732, Prague 9, 19300
Contact email: info@gt-sports.cz
as the seller and you as the buyer
INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS By the purchase contract, we undertake to deliver the goods specified in the order, and you undertake to accept these goods (either personally or from the carrier) and to pay us the purchase price specified in the order. The purchase price (or just "price") also includes costs associated with the delivery of goods and any fees related to the chosen method of payment. The amount of these costs will always be communicated to you before the binding submission of the order.
Ownership rights to the goods are acquired by you upon payment of the full purchase price, but not before you take over the goods.
Does the purchase contract apply only to goods? A purchase contract (or just "contract") here refers to any contract concluded under these terms and conditions. This may also include, for example, a contract for the provision of services.
Is the purchase contract a consumer contract? It is a consumer contract if you are a consumer, i.e., if you are a natural person and you purchase goods outside the scope of your business activity or outside the scope of the independent exercise of your profession. Otherwise, it is not a consumer contract, and you are not entitled to consumer protection under legal regulations and these terms and conditions. In particular, as a non-consumer, you do not have the right to withdraw from the contract without giving a reason.
What special rights do you have as a consumer? As a consumer, you primarily have:
the right to withdraw from the contract concluded using means of remote communication, such as phone, email, or online store (see the WITHDRAWAL FROM PURCHASE CONTRACT section of these terms and conditions); a claim to a 24-month warranty on unused consumer goods (the application of the warranty is governed by the Complaint Procedure); the right to be informed before the conclusion of the contract (the information is contained in these terms and conditions or on the web interface); the right to out-of-court resolution of a consumer dispute arising from the contract (see section 7.3 of these terms and conditions). What governs our legal relationship? Our legal relationship is governed by the following documents:
these terms and conditions, which define and clarify our mutual rights and obligations; the Complaint Procedure, according to which we will proceed in case of a complaint about the goods; the Terms of Use of the web interface, which regulate registration on the web interface, the protection of your personal data, the protection of the content of the web interface, and some other relationships related to the use of the web interface; the conditions and instructions stated on the web interface, especially when concluding the contract; the order and its acceptance by us, and in matters not regulated here also by the following legal regulations:
Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Civil Code"); Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on Consumer Protection, as amended (only if you are a consumer). If your residence or seat is outside the Czech Republic, or if our legal relationship contains another international element, you acknowledge that our relationship is governed by Czech law. If you are a consumer and the legal order of your country of residence provides a higher level of consumer protection than the Czech legal order, you are granted this higher level of protection in legal relationships.
How do you express your consent to the terms and conditions? By sending an order and also by confirming on the web interface, you confirm that you have read and agree with these terms and conditions.
We may change or supplement the wording of the terms and conditions. Your rights and obligations are always governed by the wording of the terms and conditions under which they arose.
How do we conclude a purchase contract? The web interface lists the goods, including a description of the main properties of individual items. The price, including all taxes, duties, and fees, is stated for each item. The presentation of goods is informative and is not our proposal for the conclusion of a contract within the meaning of § 1732 paragraph 2 of the Civil Code. To conclude a contract, you must send an order, and we must accept this order.
How to place an order? You can always place an order via the web interface (by filling out the form), possibly by phone, email, or another way that we allow according to the current information on the web interface.
The order must contain all the information prescribed in the form, especially the exact identification of the ordered goods (possibly the numerical designation of the goods), the number of pieces, the chosen method of payment and delivery, and your contact details (delivery and possibly billing address).
Before the binding submission of the order, a summary of the order, including the final price (depending on the chosen method of delivery and payment), will be communicated to you. We recommend checking especially the type and quantity of goods, email, and delivery address. Within the summary, you have the last opportunity to change the entered data.
You submit a binding order by pressing the "send order" button. We consider the data stated in the binding order to be correct and complete. Inform us immediately of any changes by phone or email.
We will inform you about the receipt of the order. The information (confirmation) about the receipt of the order is sent automatically and does not constitute acceptance of the order by us unless it is explicitly stated in the confirmation.
If we have doubts about the authenticity and seriousness of the order, we may contact you to verify it. We may reject an unverified order. Such an order is then considered not to have been placed.
When is the contract concluded? The purchase contract is concluded at the moment you receive the acceptance of the order from us. The acceptance of the order will be sent to the email address you provided in the order. If the order is not accepted, the contract is concluded at the moment you pay the full purchase price or take over the ordered goods (whichever comes first). The acceptance of the order (acceptance) may be part of the information about the receipt of the order according to the article How to place an order? of these terms and conditions (if explicitly stated in the confirmation), or it may follow this confirmation separately.
Information about individual technical steps leading to the conclusion of the contract is apparent from the web interface.
Can you cancel an order that has already been sent? You can cancel an order that we have not yet accepted (i.e., you have not been sent acceptance of the order by us according to the article When is the contract concluded? of these terms and conditions) by phone or email. All orders accepted by us are binding. Later cancellation of the order is possible only after an agreement with us. If such an order for goods, which cannot be withdrawn from the contract (detailed in the WITHDRAWAL FROM PURCHASE CONTRACT article), is canceled, we are entitled to compensation for costs already incurred in connection with the contract.
Can the price listed on the web interface change? The prices of the presented goods and the prices for packaging, transport, and delivery remain valid for the period they are displayed on the web interface. Any discounts on the price of goods cannot be combined unless explicitly stated otherwise on the web interface.
In the event of an obvious technical error on our part when stating the price of goods on the web interface or during ordering, we are not obliged to deliver the goods to you for this clearly erroneous price, even if you have been sent acceptance of the order according to these terms and conditions. In such a case, we reserve the right to withdraw from the contract.
If the price stated for the goods on the web interface or during ordering is no longer current, we will immediately notify you of this fact. If your order has not yet been accepted, we are not obliged to conclude the contract.
Changes in the price, which occurred between the sending of the order and its acceptance by us according to the article When is the contract concluded? of these terms and conditions, do not affect sent orders.
Can you obtain the contract in written form? The contract is not concluded in writing with the signatures of the contracting parties. The contract consists of these terms and conditions, your order, and its acceptance by us. The entire contract will be sent to you by email or printed by post at your request. When sending by post, we may ask you to cover the costs associated with it.
What if you don't understand something in the contract? In case of any questions about the terms and conditions or the contract, you can contact us by phone or email. We will be happy to provide you with all the necessary information.
In which languages can the contract be concluded? The contract can be concluded in Czech unless we explicitly agree on another language.
Is the contract stored somewhere? We archive the contract (including these terms and conditions) in electronic form. The contract is not accessible to third parties, but we will send it to you upon request.
What payment methods do we accept? You can primarily pay the purchase price by the following methods:
payment methods are listed on the web interface. Some payment methods (especially cash on delivery) may be further charged. These charges are listed on the web interface. The final price, which already includes charges related to the chosen payment method, will always be stated in the order.
When is the purchase price due? In the case of cash payment, the price is due upon receipt of the goods. In the case of non-cash payment before delivery of the goods, the price is due within five days of the acceptance of the order according to the article When is the contract concluded? Your obligation to pay the price is fulfilled at the moment the appropriate amount is credited to our bank account in the case of non-cash payment.
In what currency can you pay? Payment for goods is possible in Czech crowns (CZK).
When can we require a deposit or advance payment? We may require a deposit on the purchase price, especially for orders with a total price exceeding 5,000 CZK.
Furthermore, we are entitled to ask you to pay the full price of the goods before shipping or handing over (§ 2119 paragraph 1 of the Civil Code does not apply).
The buyer is entitled to return the deposit part no later than 90 days after taking over the new part and after presenting the invoice for its purchase.
As sellers on this e-shop and simultaneously service providers/sellers of vehicle services/modifications, we reserve the right to have the installation/modification always handled by us.
In mutual agreement, we are able to deliver some goods without installation. But primarily, we always insist on arranging a term with us.
Labor costs are not included in the prices of goods.
How do we send the goods?
The methods of delivering goods are listed on the web interface. You can choose the specific method of delivery of the goods in the order. If you do not choose a method of delivery, we may determine it.
What are the costs of delivering the goods? The costs of delivering the goods always depend on the size and nature of the goods and the price list of the chosen carrier. The current costs of delivering the goods are listed on the web interface.
The final price, which already includes the costs of the chosen method of delivery, will always be stated in the order.
When will we deliver the goods to you? The delivery time of the goods always depends on their availability and the chosen method of delivery and payment.
Goods that are not in stock will be handed over to the carrier as soon as possible. We will inform you of the exact date.
Delivery of goods under these terms and conditions means the moment the goods are delivered to you. If you unreasonably refuse to accept the goods, this fact is not considered a failure to deliver the goods on our part, nor as a withdrawal from the contract by you.
How to proceed upon receipt of the goods? Upon receipt of the goods, check the integrity of the packaging. If you find deficiencies, immediately inform the carrier and us. If you refuse to accept the shipment with damaged packaging, it is not considered unreasonable refusal of the goods.
At the moment of receipt of the goods (or the moment you were obliged to take over the goods, but contrary to the contract did not do so), the responsibility for accidental destruction, damage, or loss of the goods passes to you.
What happens if you do not accept the goods? If it is necessary to deliver the goods repeatedly or in a different way than agreed due to reasons on your part, you are obliged to cover the costs associated with such delivery.
If you unreasonably do not accept the goods, we are entitled to compensation for the costs associated with delivering the goods and its storage, as well as other costs incurred due to non-acceptance of the goods. These costs will not exceed 10 CZK for each day of storage. Storage costs may reach a maximum amount of 500 CZK or the purchase price if it is lower than 500 CZK.
Furthermore, we have the right to withdraw from the contract in such a case.
How can you withdraw from the contract? You can withdraw from the purchase contract within 14 days from the day of receipt of the goods; if the delivery is divided into several parts, from the day of receipt of the last delivery. We recommend sending the notification of withdrawal from the purchase contract to our delivery address or email. You can use the sample form for withdrawal from the contract. We will confirm the receipt of the notification without undue delay.
You do not need to justify the withdrawal from the contract.
What are the consequences of withdrawal from the contract? By withdrawing from the contract, the contract is canceled from the beginning, and it is as if it was never concluded.
If you were provided with a gift together with the goods with your consent, the gift contract loses its effectiveness by withdrawing from the contract by either party. Return the gift to us together with the returned goods.
When can you not withdraw from the contract? According to § 1837 of the Civil Code, it is not possible to withdraw from, among other things, the following contracts:
for the delivery of goods that were adjusted according to your wishes or for your person; for the delivery of goods that are subject to rapid deterioration, as well as goods that were irreversibly mixed with other goods after delivery; for the delivery of goods in a sealed package that you removed from the package and cannot be returned for hygienic reasons. How do you return the goods to us? You are obliged to return the goods to us within 14 days from the withdrawal from the contract to our delivery address, any of our operations, or the address of our registered office. Do not send goods cash on delivery. We are not obliged to accept goods sent cash on delivery.
We recommend attaching the following to the returned goods:
a copy of the delivery note and invoice, if these documents were issued, or another document proving the purchase of goods; a written statement of withdrawal from the contract (on our form or otherwise) and the chosen method of refund (transfer to an account, personal receipt of cash, or postal order or otherwise). Include the delivery address, phone, and email in the statement. Failure to submit any of the above documents does not prevent the positive handling of your withdrawal from the contract under statutory conditions.
When will you get your money back? We will refund all received monetary funds to you within 14 days from the withdrawal from the contract. However, please note that we are not obliged to refund your money before you return the goods to us or prove that you have sent the goods back to us.
In addition to the purchase price, you are also entitled to a refund of the costs of delivering the goods to you. However, if you chose a delivery method other than the cheapest way of delivering the goods we offer, we will refund the delivery costs in the amount corresponding to the cheapest offered way of delivering the goods.
We will return your money:
in the same way we received them, or in the way you request; In addition to the above methods, we can always return the money by sending it to the bank account you provide us for this purpose or to the account from which the funds were sent to pay the purchase price (if you do not provide us with any within ten days of withdrawal from the contract). By accepting these terms and conditions, you consent to the sending of monetary funds in the previous sentence on the condition that no additional costs arise for you.
The costs associated with sending the returned goods to our address are borne by you, even if the goods cannot be returned due to their nature by usual postal means.
When can we withdraw from the purchase contract? We reserve the right to withdraw from the contract in the following cases:
an obvious technical error occurred on the web interface when stating the price of goods (see the article Can the price listed on the web interface change? of these terms and conditions); the goods cannot be delivered under the original conditions due to objective reasons (mainly because the goods are no longer manufactured, the supplier stopped delivering to the Czech Republic, etc.); performance becomes objectively impossible or illegal. If any of the above circumstances occur, we will inform you immediately about our withdrawal from the contract. The withdrawal is effective towards you at the moment it is delivered to you.
If you have already paid the purchase price in whole or in part, we will return the received amount cashlessly to the account you provide us for this purpose or from which you made the payment. We will return the money within five days of the withdrawal from the purchase contract.
The geometry setting can be claimed only within 3 hours of completion and only within the test drive. Complaints made more than 3 hours after the completion of the geometry setting will not be taken into account and cannot be accepted.
The seller also reserves the right not to disclose the specific parameters of the geometry settings to the buyer. The geometry setting is considered know-how, and it is not possible to demand it from the seller.